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Marketing in the Metaverse

Master the metaverse and take your brand to the next level!

In this exclusive marketing professionals course, you will acquire the skills necessary to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the metaverse for your brand.

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Why you should know the marketing strategies you can apply in the metaverse?

David Bazucki

CEO and Founder of Roblox

"We will see a change in the way people play, work, learn, or just hang out."

Satya Nadella

CEO Microsoft

"The metaverse is here, and it's not just transforming how we see the world, but how we participate in it, from the factory to the conference room."

Jensen Huang

CEO Nvidia

"The metaverse is coming. The worlds of the future will be photorealistic and inhabited by human avatars and AI beings."

Gary Vaynerchuk

CEO of VaynerMedia

"The metaverse is the next frontier in social connection."

25 % of people will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse to work, shop, attend school, consume entertainment, or socialize by 2026.

Source: Gartner Consultancy

What is the course like?

  • Learn how to maximize the potential of your brand in the metaverse through updated marketing strategies and practices.
  • Benefit from interactive tests and updated educational material to reinforce your knowledge.
  • Have a dedicated tutor to answer your questions and guide you in the learning process.
  • Expand your knowledge with the included bibliographical material and theoretical content.
  • By the end of the course, you will understand the scope of this Internet evolution and the possibilities of the metaverse for your brand.

What will you learn in this course?

  • Introduction to the metaverse: general understanding and course objectives.
  • What is the metaverse? Comparing to the virtual world
  • Classification of different types of metaverse.
  • Emerging technologies in the metaverse: What’s being developed?
  • Augmented Reality in the Metaverse: Applications and Experiences
  • Virtual Reality in the Metaverse: Applications and Experiences
  • The consumer in the new world: behavior and expectations
  • The importance of community in the metaverse.
  • Cryptocurrencies and tokens in the metaverse
  • Tools to manage community in the metaverse.
  • Integrating your digital strategy into the metaverse.
  • Narrative in the metaverse: From Storytelling to Storychasing
  • Immersive Gamification in the metaverse
  • Successful marketing campaigns in the metaverse
  • Measurement and analysis in the metaverse
  • Ethical and privacy aspects in the metaverse.
  • Future projection: the metaverse in 2030

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Carlos de Prado

Carlos has over 15 years of experience working as a consultant for top brands in Europe and LATAM, helping to transform and enhance their results with technology.

He holds a degree in Communication from Pontificia University in Salamanca, with an Executive MBA from the CESMA Business School in Madrid, an Executive Master in Artificial Intelligence from the Artificial Intelligence Institute and a Senior Management Program from the Institute of Enterprise. He has been mentoring various Start-Ups for years and has served on several board of directors, both in Spain and LATAM.

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This course is for you if:

You are a professional in the marketing area and want to understand the best strategies for your brand in the metaverse.

You own your own business and want to understand how to attract and generate engagement with the new generations.

You work in an agency and want to continue providing value to your clients.

Some of the questions you will be able to resolve during the course:

Is it really necessary for my brand to be in the metaverse?

How will the metaverse evolve in the coming years?

How can I optimize my investment in the metaverse based on my marketing goals?

What are the most innovative and effective actions that brands are taking in the metaverse?

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No, the course adapts to your needs and starts as soon as you sign up.

The content is reviewed every two months to be as up-to-date as possible.

To fully take advantage of the content, basic knowledge of Marketing is required.

No. This course does not have a certificate.

Of course. During the course, you will have a tutor available. You can write any questions to and they will be resolved.

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